Floodplain Links:
Federal Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA )
FEMA's Flood Map Service Center
Ohio Floodplain Managers Association
Insect Identification, Invasive Plant Identification, & Control Methods:
OSU Ohioline
Aquatic Plant Identification & Control Methods:
Aqua Plant - A Pond Managers Diagnostics Tool
Education Cirriculums
See links for more information about Education in the great outdoors, if interested in any of these curriculums our office is willing to host a workshop for teachers, day cares, etc. We will need at least 4 weeks notice in order to get all materials shipped in on time.
Other Organizations
Gallia County Jr. Fair (see their facebook page)
Gallia County Visitors Bureau
Gallia Net
Gallipolis In Bloom (see their facebook page)
Jackson SWCD (see their facebook page make sure its in ohio)
Lawrence SWCD
Meigs SWCD
Redution on Forestry Land Tax
Scioto SWCD
GLEDN-Great Lakes Early Detection Network- Help Ohio find invasive species